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Maximizing Your Plastic Surgery Results: How to Achieve the Look You Want

Maximizing Your Plastic Surgery Results: How to Achieve the Look You Want

Plastic surgery is a big investment into yourself—how you look and feel. Therefore, it makes sense that you are going to want to sustain this brand-new version of yourself for the long term. So, how do you maximize your plastic surgery results? Turns out, there are several key steps that take before and after your procedure. Here are some tips on getting the most out of your plastic surgery and maintaining the look you have always wanted.

How to Ensure the Best Results Before Your Plastic Surgery

Preparing for surgery, whether it is breast augmentation, a Brazilian butt lift, or a facelift is crucial in giving you the look you have dreamed about.

Chose a Skilled and Experienced Plastic Surgeon

Dr JIf you want the best outcome, choose the best surgeon. Look for a surgeon who is board-certified, has extensive experience, and has a sterling reputation in the field. It also helps to seek plastic surgeons affiliated with medical spas, since you can follow up and have other maintenance work done in the future. Plus, speaking with someone who is skilled and experienced will put your mind at ease.

The plastic surgeons at DrSkin Medical Spa in Gilbert, AZ (and our other locations) are all masters of their craft. With years of experience and state-of-the-art equipment at their command, the team at DrSkin delivers astounding results that you will love.

1. Follow Pre-Surgery Instructions

Once you have found a reputable plastic surgeon and set a date for your surgery, you will be handed pre-surgery instructions to follow. Depending on your physical health, you may have to follow these instructions weeks in advance. While it may be tempting to forget about these instructions, you should do exactly what is written. These pre-surgery instructions may ask you to avoid certain prescription medication, stop the use of specific cosmetics, quit smoking, quit consuming alcohol or caffeine, or even prepare your home for your recovery.

  1. Medications: Your surgeon may ask you to stop taking certain medications that can increase the risk of bleeding or interfere with the anesthesia. These may include blood thinners, aspirin, and herbal supplements.
  2. Smoking: Smoking can slow down the healing process and increase the risk of complications. Your surgeon may ask you to quit smoking for several weeks before and after the surgery.
  3. Alcohol and Caffeine: Consuming alcohol and caffeine can affect your body’s response to anesthesia and increase the risk of bleeding. Your surgeon may ask you to avoid these for a certain period before surgery.
  4. Cosmetics: Some cosmetics contain ingredients that can interfere with the surgical site or cause an allergic reaction. Your surgeon may ask you to avoid using certain cosmetics before the surgery.
  5. Eating and Drinking: Your surgeon may provide specific instructions about when you should stop eating and drinking before the surgery. This is usually done to prevent any complications during the anesthesia.
  6. Preparing for Recovery: Your surgeon may ask you to make certain preparations at home before the surgery, such as arranging for someone to drive you home after the surgery or setting up a recovery area with comfortable pillows and blankets.

These are just a few examples of the pre-surgery instructions that your plastic surgeon may provide. It’s important to follow these instructions carefully to ensure a safe and successful surgery outcome.

How to Maximize Your Plastic Surgery Results After Surgery

2. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

Surgeries are taxing on the body. As such, you want to ensure you are feeling as healthy and well-rested as possible. Be sure to have a balanced diet leading up to your surgery. Commit to sleeping 7-8 hours each night. Also, get plenty of exercise. Optimizing your health now will help when you need to rest and recuperate after your surgery.

How to Maximize Your Plastic Surgery Results After Surgery

Post-surgery is going to look a little different from how life was before. Coming out of your procedure, you will need to take it easy for a couple of weeks up to a year. Here are some tips to ensure you get the results you want:

1. Follow Post-Surgery Instructions Carefully

Once you are ready to return home after your surgery, you will receive another set of instructions—for aftercare. These instructions will detail how to care for your wound, including cleaning and changing the bandages, if necessary. You will also need to arrange follow-up appointments so the surgeon can see that everything is healing well. Once you have the go-ahead to return to normal activities, you will still need to take special care of yourself.

For example, if you had a breast augmentation, you should consider wearing a comfortable bra and cutting back on strenuous activity. If you had a tummy tuck, you may want to reconsider pregnancy for a full year.

You may also be advised to wear compression garments to reduce swelling and promote healing. Your surgeon may recommend that you wear compression garments for a certain period of time after your surgery.

2. Rest and Relax

Taking care of your body is essential. Stay hydrated, eat nutritious food, and do low-impact exercise, such as walking. Rest is the best way to heal up after your surgery. Drinking plenty of water and other fluids can also help to keep your body hydrated and promote healing. Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water per day, and avoid alcohol and caffeine.

3. Patience

One of the downsides of plastic surgery is that it can take weeks or months to heal and for results to become noticeable. If you do too much, too soon, you risk re-opening your injury or causing disfigurement.

4. Consider Other Cosmetic Treatments

Depending on the procedure you have undergone, additional treatments may be necessary to maximize your results. This could include non-surgical treatments like injectables or laser therapy, or surgical touch-ups to address any remaining concerns.

Getting Stunning Results From DrSkin, Your Premier Arizona Medical Spa

Maximizing the results of plastic surgery requires a commitment to your overall health and a willingness to follow your surgeon’s instructions closely. By doing so, you can achieve the best possible outcome and enjoy the benefits of your plastic surgery for years to come! Be sure to choose only the best plastic surgeon for the procedure. At DrSkin, we have renowned plastic surgeons who are ready to help you meet your aesthetic goals. Let’s get started! Contact us today to set up your consultation.

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