What to Expect: The Kybella® Treatment Process

What to Expect: The Kybella Treatment Process

If you’re considering Kybella® injections to reduce a double chin or submental fullness, it’s understandable to feel curious about the treatment process. At DrSkin Med Spa, we want to fully educate our patients on what to expect with Kybella®.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk through the treatment process step-by-step – from choosing a qualified provider, to preparing for injections, to recovery and results.

Understanding Submental Fullness

Submental fullness refers to excess fat under the chin, which can cause the appearance of a double chin. As we age, skin elasticity decreases and submental fat can accumulate due to factors like genetics, weight gain, or loss of firmness in facial muscles. Even people who are not overweight can develop undesirable fullness under the chin that makes them appear older.

How Kybella® Eliminates Submental Fat

Kybella® contains synthetic deoxycholic acid, which helps break down and dissolve fat. When injected into the submental area, Kybella permanently destroys fat cells. These eliminated cells cannot store or accumulate fat again, which is how Kybella provides long-lasting reduction of double chins.

Choosing a Kybella® Provider

When considering Kybella®, it’s crucial to entrust your treatment to a seasoned medical professional. At DrSkin Med Spa, you have access to a team of experts led by Dr. Rohit Jaiswal, M.D., a highly skilled and board-certified cosmetic physician with over a decade of specialization in cosmetic procedures. Dr. Marchbein personally oversees the training of our nurse injectors, ensuring that your Kybella experience is tailored to your unique needs.


The Initial Consultation

The first step is a consultation with one of our Kybella® specialists. We’ll assess your submental region, discuss your goals, review your medical history, and determine if you’re a candidate. If Kybella® is appropriate for you, we’ll customize a treatment plan.

Preparing for Your Appointment Prior to treatment, we provide instructions to prep your skin and minimize potential side effects. This may include:
  • Avoiding blood thinners for 1 week pre-treatment
  • Arnica supplements and gel to control bruising
  • Gentle massages to the area to increase circulation
Kybella Treatment Session
Kybella Treatment Session


The Kybella® Treatment Session

At your appointment, we’ll apply a topical numbing cream before the injections. Using a grid technique, the nurse injector will administer multiple small injections under the chin and along the jawline to precisely cover the treatment area. Here’s what to expect:

  • Patients feel a tolerable stinging/burning sensation with each injection due to the numbing cream.
  • Sessions take 15-20 minutes total. You’ll be able to drive yourself home and resume normal activities.
  • Typically 2-4 treatments spaced 4-6 weeks apart are required for desired results.
  • Temporary swelling, redness, bruising, or numbness are common initially.
Recovery and Aftercare Following Kybella® injections:
  • Use cool compresses and OTC medication to relieve side effects
  • Avoid strenuous exercise for 1 week
  • Gently massage the area twice daily for 5 minutes to aid healing
  • Noticeable improvements in contour should develop within 1-2 months as your body metabolizes the destroyed fat cells and drains the released fat.

Kybella® requires minimal downtime. Most side effects like swelling and tenderness resolve within a few days. We schedule follow-up visits to monitor your progress and customize your treatment plan.

Kybella® FAQs

Patients feel some mild stinging during injections. The numbing cream makes it well tolerated.

Most patients require 2-4 sessions, but your provider will advise you individually.

Gradual improvements in contour occur over 1-3 months as your body clears the destroyed fat cells.

Results are considered essentially permanent if your weight remains stable, as treated fat cells cannot return.

It’s most effective for patients with good skin elasticity and modest submental fat.

Minimal. Most patients resume normal activities immediately, though some temporarily limit strenuous exercise.

Our Kybella® services are designed to effectively reduce under-chin fat, providing a more contoured neckline. Learn about our Kybella treatment options and how we can help you achieve your aesthetic goals.

Understanding the Kybella® treatment process is key to setting realistic expectations. From consultation to recovery, learn what each step involves in the Kybella® treatment process.

Our comprehensive guide to Kybella® offers in-depth information on how it works, what to expect, and the benefits. Dive into our comprehensive Kybella® guide to educate yourself before making a decision.

Kybella® targets and destroys fat cells under the chin to reduce fullness and improve your profile. Discover the science behind how Kybella® eliminates double chins.

Kybella® offers enduring results for those looking to reduce under-chin fat. Explore the lasting benefits of Kybella® treatments and how it can enhance your appearance over time.

Dr. Rohit Jaiswal - A Visionary in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

Meet Dr. Rohit Jaiswal – A Visionary in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

Dr. Rohit Jaiswal, M.D., stands as a highly skilled and board-certified cosmetic physician at DrSkin Med Spa in Gilbert, Arizona. With a wealth of expertise in aesthetic medicine, Dr. Jaiswal is dedicated to helping patients enhance their natural beauty and realize their desired aesthetic aspirations. His commitment to personalized patient care is evident in his approach, where every individual receives treatments tailored to address their specific needs and concerns.

Dr. Jaiswal’s passion for staying at the forefront of cosmetic procedures allows him to offer cutting-edge treatments that consistently yield exceptional results. His gentle demeanor and meticulous attention to detail create a safe and comfortable environment for patients, ensuring that their experience at DrSkin Med Spa is truly exceptional.


We hope this guide has helped explain what you can expect during Kybella® treatment for double chin reduction. Our experienced medical professionals make the process as quick and comfortable as possible. With customized Kybella® injections, you can reveal a more youthful, defined facial profile.

Schedule a consultation at DrSkin Med Spa to determine if Kybella® is right for you.

Understanding Kybella®: A Comprehensive Guide for DrSkin Med Spa Patients

Kybella® is an exciting new injectable treatment gaining popularity for eliminating submental fullness, commonly known as a “double chin.” At DrSkin Med Spa, we understand that submental fat can be frustratingly resistant to diet and exercise. That’s why we’re proud to offer Kybella® to our patients looking for refined facial contours.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk through everything you need to know about Kybella® treatment from our experienced medical providers. You’ll learn about the science behind Kybella®, what to expect during the procedure and recovery, ideal candidates, and how Kybella® compares to alternative treatments like liposuction and CoolSculpting. We’ll also provide answers to frequently asked questions to support you in making an informed decision about Kybella®.

The Science Behind Kybella®

Kybella®, also known by its chemical name deoxycholic acid, is the first FDA approved injectable treatment that specifically targets submental fat. Here’s an overview of how Kybella® works:

Mechanism of Action Kybella® destroys fat cells through a process called adipocytolysis. When injected into the treatment area, Kybella® causes lysis (rupturing) of the adipocyte cell membrane. This disrupts the cell functionally and ultimately leads to the death of the fat cell.

Targeted Fat Reduction

One of the benefits of Kybella® is that it precisely focuses on fat cells in the injection area underneath the chin and along the jawline. Kybella® does not affect surrounding tissues like skin or muscle, allowing for targeted reduction of stubborn submental fat.

Multiple clinical studies have demonstrated the safety and efficacy of Kybella® treatment. Mild side effects like swelling, bruising, numbness and pain at the injection site typically resolve within several days.


The Kybella® Treatment Process

If you decide Kybella® is right for you, here is a step-by-step overview of what to expect:

Initial Consultation The first step is meeting with one of our Kybella® specialists for a consultation. We’ll examine your submental area and discuss your aesthetic goals. If you’re a candidate for Kybella®, we’ll develop a customized treatment plan.

Preparing for Treatment Prior to your appointment, we’ll provide instructions to prep your skin to minimize swelling and bruising. We may recommend:

  • Avoiding blood thinners like NSAIDs, aspirin, and alcohol for 1 week pre-treatment
  • Use of arnica supplements and topical arnica gel
  • Gentle massages to the treatment area

The Kybella® Procedure During your appointment, we’ll cleanse and numb the treatment area. Kybella® will then be injected into the fat tissue using a grid-like technique to cover the full submental region. Some facts about the injections:

  • Patients feel minimal discomfort due to numbing medication
  • Each session takes 15-20 minutes
  • Typically 3-6 sessions spaced 4-6 weeks apart are required

Recovery and Aftercare Following treatment you can resume normal activities, though some swelling and tenderness may persist for 2-4 days. We advise patients:

  • Use cool compresses to relieve swelling
  • Take OTC pain medication as needed
  • Massage the treatment area for 5 minutes twice daily
  • Avoid strenuous exercise for 1 week

Gradual improvements in contour should be noticeable within 1-2 months as the body metabolizes and eliminates the treated fat cells. Optimal results are seen around 3 months post-final session.

Areas Where Kybella® Can Be Used

Kybella® was approved by the FDA specifically for improving submental fullness. However, some providers like DrSkin Med Spa offer Kybella® off-label for reducing fat pockets in other discrete areas like:

  • Bra fat
  • Inner thighs
  • Knees

Though not yet FDA approved for these regions, Kybella® has demonstrated promising results for body contouring in small clinical studies. Schedule a consultation to see if you may benefit from Kybella® treatment beyond just the chin.

Kybella Before And After Pics

Choosing a Qualified Kybella® Provider

Since Kybella® requires specialized training and precision injection technique, it’s important to do your research when choosing a provider. Here are some tips:

  • Verify they are experienced medical professionals like our team of nurses and nurse practitioners
  • Ask how many Kybella® treatments they have performed
  • Review before and after photos to evaluate their aesthetic eye
  • Make sure the clinic emphasizes safety, comfort, and natural looking results

Kybella® Compared to Alternatives

How does Kybella® stack up against other submental fat reduction options? Here’s a quick comparison:

Kybella® vs Liposuction

Both permanently destroy fat cells in the treatment area. However, liposuction is surgical and requires anesthesia while Kybella® is nonsurgical with little to no downtime. Kybella® often achieves a smoother, more natural look compared to liposuction.

Kybella® vs CoolSculpting

These two non-surgical options use different mechanisms to eliminate fat cells. CoolSculpting freezes fat, triggering the body to discard dead cells. Kybella® chemically dissolves fat cell membranes. Kybella® may produce more gradual but longer-lasting results. Schedule a consultation today to determine if Kybella® or CoolSculpting better fits your goals.

Cost and Financing Options

The exact cost of Kybella® varies based on the number of vials used per session and number of sessions needed. At our Gilbert Arizona offices, pricing starts at $600 per session. Options like financing can help make treatment more budget-friendly, if needed. We accept Credit Cards to help you get the Kybella® results you want, when you want them.


Kybella® FAQs

Still have questions about Kybella®? Here are answers to some frequently asked questions:

Kybella® works best for healthy men and women bothered by submental fullness that diet and exercise won’t improve. You should have good elasticity in the skin of your neck and chin.

Most sessions take about 15-20 minutes. You can return to normal activities immediately afterwards.

Yes, once destroyed the treated fat cells are gone for good. However, it’s important to maintain a stable weight.

Mild to moderate swelling, bruising, numbness, and discomfort that resolve within a week. Serious side effects are very rare.

Most patients need 2-4 sessions, with at least 4 weeks between each. Your provider will advise on the optimal number for your individual case.

Those with bleeding issues, infection in the treatment area, or significant skin laxity with excessive sagging skin.

Some improvement is noticeable after the initial session, with optimal results seen around 3 months after the final treatment.

Our Kybella® services are designed to effectively reduce under-chin fat, providing a more contoured neckline. Learn about our Kybella treatment options and how we can help you achieve your aesthetic goals.

Understanding the Kybella® treatment process is key to setting realistic expectations. From consultation to recovery, learn what each step involves in the Kybella® treatment process.

Our comprehensive guide to Kybella® offers in-depth information on how it works, what to expect, and the benefits. Dive into our comprehensive Kybella® guide to educate yourself before making a decision.

Kybella® targets and destroys fat cells under the chin to reduce fullness and improve your profile. Discover the science behind how Kybella® eliminates double chins.

Kybella® offers enduring results for those looking to reduce under-chin fat. Explore the lasting benefits of Kybella® treatments and how it can enhance your appearance over time.


Kybella® offers an effective nonsurgical solution to reduce submental fullness and sculpt a more refined, youthful looking jawline. This innovative injectable treatment can eliminate stubborn fat that diet and exercise alone can’t fix.

We hope this guide has provided helpful information about Kybella® to support you in making a decision that’s right for your aesthetic goals. Schedule a private consultation at our Gilbert, Arizona office to learn more. Our team of experienced Kybella® injectors will customize an effective treatment plan to help you achieve a naturally beautiful, contoured chin and neck profile you’ll love.

Demystifying Kybella®: How It Eliminates Double Chins

Demystifying Kybella: How It Eliminates Double Chins

If you’re bothered by submental fullness or a “double chin,” you’re not alone. This stubborn fat resistant to diet and exercise can make people feel self-conscious. At DrSkin Med Spa serving Gilbert, AZ, we’re proud to offer Kybella® injections to reduce double chins and sculpt a more youthful, contoured look.

What exactly is Kybella® and how does it work to get rid of double chins? Keep reading as we demystify this exciting treatment.


Understanding Kybella®

Kybella® is the brand name for synthetic deoxycholic acid, which occurs naturally in the body to aid fat absorption. When injected into fat beneath the chin, Kybella® destroys and dissolves those fat cells.

Kybella® was approved by the FDA in 2015 specifically for improving the appearance of submental fullness. Though sometimes called a “double chin injectable,” Kybella® is not a dermal filler. It works by permanently destroying fat cells in the treatment area.

Kybella® for Double Chin Reduction

Kybella® offers a nonsurgical way to eliminate submental fat, commonly called a double chin. Here’s how it works:

Precise Injections

Using a grid-like pattern, our nurse injectors administer several small injections under the chin and along the jawline. Kybella® is injected directly into the fat tissue.

Fat Cell Destruction

The active ingredient in Kybella®, deoxycholic acid, lyses (ruptures) fat cell membranes. This damages the cell, releasing the fat inside. The released fat is then gradually cleared away by the body’s natural processes.

Permanent Fat Cell Removal

Once destroyed by Kybella®, those fat cells cannot store fat again. However, it’s important to maintain your weight, as untreated fat cells can still expand.

Gradual Improvements

Improvements in contour and reduction of submental fullness are noticeable within 1-2 months as the body clears away the destroyed fat cells. Optimal results are visible around 3 months after final treatment.

Kybella® Candidacy

The ideal Kybella® candidate is someone bothered by a double chin, but has good skin elasticity. Kybella® works for both men and women. It’s effective for individuals at a stable weight who have modest fat under the chin. Schedule a consultation at our Gilbert office to see if Kybella® is right for you.

What to Expect: The Kybella® Procedure

Wondering what it’s like to get Kybella® injections? Here’s an overview:

  • A topical numbing cream is applied before injections to maximize comfort.
  • Using a small needle, Kybella® is injected into the fat tissue under the chin and along the jawline.
  • Patients experience a mild burning sensation with each injection. No anesthesia is required.
  • Appointments take about 15-20 minutes. Some swelling is normal for several days post-treatment.
  • A series of 2-4 sessions spaced 4-6 weeks apart is typical to achieve desired results.

Kybella FAQ's

Patients feel some mild stinging during injections. The numbing cream makes it well tolerated.

Most patients require 2-4 sessions, but your provider will advise you individually.

Gradual improvements in contour occur over 1-3 months as your body clears the destroyed fat cells.

Results are considered essentially permanent if your weight remains stable, as treated fat cells cannot return.

It’s most effective for patients with good skin elasticity and modest submental fat.

Minimal. Most patients resume normal activities immediately, though some temporarily limit strenuous exercise.

Our Kybella® services are designed to effectively reduce under-chin fat, providing a more contoured neckline. Learn about our Kybella treatment options and how we can help you achieve your aesthetic goals.

Understanding the Kybella® treatment process is key to setting realistic expectations. From consultation to recovery, learn what each step involves in the Kybella® treatment process.

Our comprehensive guide to Kybella® offers in-depth information on how it works, what to expect, and the benefits. Dive into our comprehensive Kybella® guide to educate yourself before making a decision.

Kybella® targets and destroys fat cells under the chin to reduce fullness and improve your profile. Discover the science behind how Kybella® eliminates double chins.

Kybella® offers enduring results for those looking to reduce under-chin fat. Explore the lasting benefits of Kybella® treatments and how it can enhance your appearance over time.

Kybella® Side Effects

Patients may experience temporary side effects like swelling, bruising, numbness, and firmness at the injection sites. These resolve within about 1 week. More serious side effects are very rare. Our knowledgeable staff will review all precautions, potential risks, and aftercare instructions at your consultation.

Kybella® Compared to Other Treatments

How does Kybella® stack up against alternative ways to treat double chins?

Vs. Liposuction

While both destroy fat cells permanently, liposuction is surgical while Kybella® is nonsurgical. Kybella® often provides more precise shaping with less downtime and risks.

Vs. CoolSculpting

These two non-surgical treatments work differently, with CoolSculpting freezing fat cells while Kybella® dissolves them. Kybella® generally provides longer-lasting results with gradual improvements.

Vs. Dermal Fillers

Unlike Kybella® which destroys fat cells, dermal fillers like Juvederm Voluma add volume under the skin. Fillers provide a temporary improvement while Kybella® is a permanent fat cell eliminator.


Why Choose DrSkin Med Spa for Kybella®?

When considering Kybella®, choosing an experienced provider is key. Our doctor, Dr. Rohit Jaiswal, is a board-certified dermatologist with specialized expertise in minimally invasive aesthetic treatments. He personally trains each nurse to deliver customized Kybella® treatments.

We use advanced techniques like smaller needles and precise injection patterns to provide the most comfortable Kybella® experience possible. Our goal is to reveal your most confident, youthful-looking self!

To learn more about Kybella® or schedule a private consultation at our Gilbert office, contact DrSkin Med Spa today.

The Lasting Benefits of Kybella® Treatments

The Lasting Benefits of Kybella Treatments

If you’re bothered by submental fullness, also called a “double chin,” you know how it can negatively impact self-confidence. But you don’t have to continue feeling self-conscious about this stubborn fat that is resistant to diet and exercise. At DrSkin Med Spa, we offer Kybella® injections to reduce double chins and reveal a more youthful, contoured facial profile. In this article, we’ll explore the lasting benefits you can achieve with Kybella.

What is Submental Fullness?

Submental fullness refers to excess fat accumulated under the chin and lower face. While modest fullness is normal as we age, an overly prominent double chin can make people feel self-aware. Submental fat often results from factors like genetics, weight fluctuations, and loss of skin elasticity over time. An undefined jawline and too much chin fullness can detract from an otherwise youthful appearance.

What is Submental Fullness?
What is Submental Fullness?

The Science Behind Kybella®

Kybella® is a nonsurgical injectable solution for submental fat. Its active ingredient, deoxycholic acid, is a naturally occurring molecule that aids in fat metabolism. When injected into the submental area, Kybella® destroys and dissolves fat cells. Once these cells are eliminated, they cannot store fat again. Kybella® safely and effectively targets unwanted fat cells under the chin.

What to Expect:

The Kybella® Procedure During a quick in-office procedure, our experienced nurse injectors administer several small injections under the chin and along the jawline. Kybella® is injected directly into the fat tissue using a grid-like pattern to cover the treatment area. Patients are given a topical numbing medication first to maximize comfort. While you may feel some minor stinging or burning briefly with each injection, anesthesia is not required. Most Kybella® sessions take only about 15-20 minutes.

Long-Term Benefits of Kybella

Long-Term Benefits of Kybella®

One of the greatest advantages of Kybella® over other injectables is its lasting results. Let’s explore the benefits you’ll enjoy long after treatment:

  • Reduction in Double Chin

Gradual improvements in the reduction of submental fullness will be noticeable within 1-2 months as your body clears away the destroyed fat cells. Optimal, longer-lasting results are visible around 3 months post-treatment.

  • Improved Self-Confidence

Many patients report a boost in self-esteem after having Kybella®. Eliminating a double chin and sculpting a more defined, youthful facial profile can have profound psychological benefits in looking and feeling better.

  • Lasting Results

Unlike neuromodulators which must be maintained every 3-4 months, the results of Kybella® are much longer lasting. As long as your weight remains stable, the eliminated fat cells cannot return or expand. The effects of Kybella® evolve over 3 months, but are considered essentially permanent.

How Kybella® Compares to Alternatives

Kybella® vs. Liposuction

While both treatments permanently remove fat cells, liposuction is surgical vs Kybella® which is nonsurgical. Kybella® often allows more precise contouring with minimal downtime.

Kybella® vs. CoolSculpting

These two nonsurgical options work differently, with CoolSculpting freezing fat cells while Kybella® destroys them via lysis. Kybella produces more gradual, natural-looking results that tend to be longer lasting.

Kybella® vs. Neck Lift

A surgical neck lift addresses skin laxity and sagging to provide facial rejuvenation. Kybella® is nonsurgical and specifically targets fat under the chin. Combining Kybella® and a lift can treat the full effects of aging in this area.


Kybella® Safety and Side Effects

Kybella® was FDA approved in 2015 based on extensive clinical trials proving its safety. Mild to moderate side effects like swelling, bruising, numbness, and discomfort generally resolve within a few days. More serious side effects are very rare when administered properly by an experienced provider.

At DrSkin Med Spa, your safety, comfort, and outstanding results are our top priorities. We combine advanced techniques with an artist’s eye to provide natural looking Kybella® outcomes that boost your confidence.

FAQs About Kybella®

What is the ideal Kybella® candidate?

The best candidates have good skin elasticity and modest submental fullness that diet and exercise won’t fix. Both men and women can benefit from Kybella®.

How long do results last?

Gradual improvements are seen over 3 months. But the destroyed fat cells are permanently gone, so results can last for years. Maintaining a stable weight is recommended.

Are there any major risks?

Serious side effects are very rare. Mild side effects like swelling typically resolve quickly. An experienced injector will take all precautions for your safety.

How many treatments are needed?

Most patients require 2-4 Kybella sessions spaced 4-6 weeks apart to achieve desired results. Your provider will advise on the ideal number tailored to your individual needs.

Is Kybella® painful?

A numbing cream is applied before injections. Patients may feel some minor discomfort during placement of the injections.

Can Kybella® be combined with other treatments?

Yes, Kybella® is commonly combined with other non-invasive procedures like laser skin tightening or dermal fillers to complete your rejuvenation.



If you’re bothered by a double chin, Kybella® may be the long-term solution you’ve been looking for. This innovative injectable treatment can permanently eliminate stubborn submental fat cells that diet and exercise can’t fix. Undergoing Kybella® can lead to transformative improvements in your facial profile, as well as self-confidence. Schedule your consultation at DrSkin Med Spa today to learn more about revealing your most youthful, sculpted self with Kybella.

Kybella FAQ's

Our Kybella® services are designed to effectively reduce under-chin fat, providing a more contoured neckline. Learn about our Kybella treatment options and how we can help you achieve your aesthetic goals.

Understanding the Kybella® treatment process is key to setting realistic expectations. From consultation to recovery, learn what each step involves in the Kybella® treatment process.

Our comprehensive guide to Kybella® offers in-depth information on how it works, what to expect, and the benefits. Dive into our comprehensive Kybella® guide to educate yourself before making a decision.

Kybella® targets and destroys fat cells under the chin to reduce fullness and improve your profile. Discover the science behind how Kybella® eliminates double chins.

Kybella® offers enduring results for those looking to reduce under-chin fat. Explore the lasting benefits of Kybella® treatments and how it can enhance your appearance over time.