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Demystifying Kybella®: How It Eliminates Double Chins

Demystifying Kybella: How It Eliminates Double Chins

If you’re bothered by submental fullness or a “double chin,” you’re not alone. This stubborn fat resistant to diet and exercise can make people feel self-conscious. At DrSkin Med Spa serving Gilbert, AZ, we’re proud to offer Kybella® injections to reduce double chins and sculpt a more youthful, contoured look.

What exactly is Kybella® and how does it work to get rid of double chins? Keep reading as we demystify this exciting treatment.


Understanding Kybella®

Kybella® is the brand name for synthetic deoxycholic acid, which occurs naturally in the body to aid fat absorption. When injected into fat beneath the chin, Kybella® destroys and dissolves those fat cells.

Kybella® was approved by the FDA in 2015 specifically for improving the appearance of submental fullness. Though sometimes called a “double chin injectable,” Kybella® is not a dermal filler. It works by permanently destroying fat cells in the treatment area.

Kybella® for Double Chin Reduction

Kybella® offers a nonsurgical way to eliminate submental fat, commonly called a double chin. Here’s how it works:

Precise Injections

Using a grid-like pattern, our nurse injectors administer several small injections under the chin and along the jawline. Kybella® is injected directly into the fat tissue.

Fat Cell Destruction

The active ingredient in Kybella®, deoxycholic acid, lyses (ruptures) fat cell membranes. This damages the cell, releasing the fat inside. The released fat is then gradually cleared away by the body’s natural processes.

Permanent Fat Cell Removal

Once destroyed by Kybella®, those fat cells cannot store fat again. However, it’s important to maintain your weight, as untreated fat cells can still expand.

Gradual Improvements

Improvements in contour and reduction of submental fullness are noticeable within 1-2 months as the body clears away the destroyed fat cells. Optimal results are visible around 3 months after final treatment.

Kybella® Candidacy

The ideal Kybella® candidate is someone bothered by a double chin, but has good skin elasticity. Kybella® works for both men and women. It’s effective for individuals at a stable weight who have modest fat under the chin. Schedule a consultation at our Gilbert office to see if Kybella® is right for you.

What to Expect: The Kybella® Procedure

Wondering what it’s like to get Kybella® injections? Here’s an overview:

  • A topical numbing cream is applied before injections to maximize comfort.
  • Using a small needle, Kybella® is injected into the fat tissue under the chin and along the jawline.
  • Patients experience a mild burning sensation with each injection. No anesthesia is required.
  • Appointments take about 15-20 minutes. Some swelling is normal for several days post-treatment.
  • A series of 2-4 sessions spaced 4-6 weeks apart is typical to achieve desired results.

Kybella FAQ's

Patients feel some mild stinging during injections. The numbing cream makes it well tolerated.

Most patients require 2-4 sessions, but your provider will advise you individually.

Gradual improvements in contour occur over 1-3 months as your body clears the destroyed fat cells.

Results are considered essentially permanent if your weight remains stable, as treated fat cells cannot return.

It’s most effective for patients with good skin elasticity and modest submental fat.

Minimal. Most patients resume normal activities immediately, though some temporarily limit strenuous exercise.

Our Kybella® services are designed to effectively reduce under-chin fat, providing a more contoured neckline. Learn about our Kybella treatment options and how we can help you achieve your aesthetic goals.

Understanding the Kybella® treatment process is key to setting realistic expectations. From consultation to recovery, learn what each step involves in the Kybella® treatment process.

Our comprehensive guide to Kybella® offers in-depth information on how it works, what to expect, and the benefits. Dive into our comprehensive Kybella® guide to educate yourself before making a decision.

Kybella® targets and destroys fat cells under the chin to reduce fullness and improve your profile. Discover the science behind how Kybella® eliminates double chins.

Kybella® offers enduring results for those looking to reduce under-chin fat. Explore the lasting benefits of Kybella® treatments and how it can enhance your appearance over time.

Kybella® Side Effects

Patients may experience temporary side effects like swelling, bruising, numbness, and firmness at the injection sites. These resolve within about 1 week. More serious side effects are very rare. Our knowledgeable staff will review all precautions, potential risks, and aftercare instructions at your consultation.

Kybella® Compared to Other Treatments

How does Kybella® stack up against alternative ways to treat double chins?

Vs. Liposuction

While both destroy fat cells permanently, liposuction is surgical while Kybella® is nonsurgical. Kybella® often provides more precise shaping with less downtime and risks.

Vs. CoolSculpting

These two non-surgical treatments work differently, with CoolSculpting freezing fat cells while Kybella® dissolves them. Kybella® generally provides longer-lasting results with gradual improvements.

Vs. Dermal Fillers

Unlike Kybella® which destroys fat cells, dermal fillers like Juvederm Voluma add volume under the skin. Fillers provide a temporary improvement while Kybella® is a permanent fat cell eliminator.


Why Choose DrSkin Med Spa for Kybella®?

When considering Kybella®, choosing an experienced provider is key. Our doctor, Dr. Rohit Jaiswal, is a board-certified dermatologist with specialized expertise in minimally invasive aesthetic treatments. He personally trains each nurse to deliver customized Kybella® treatments.

We use advanced techniques like smaller needles and precise injection patterns to provide the most comfortable Kybella® experience possible. Our goal is to reveal your most confident, youthful-looking self!

To learn more about Kybella® or schedule a private consultation at our Gilbert office, contact DrSkin Med Spa today.

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